Monument to the heroes of Independence War

Monument to the heroes of Independence War

The monument to the fallen in Independence War and in Kinship Wars, created by Finnish sculptor John Munsterhjelm, was unveiled near the Alahärmä Church on September 10, 1922.

At the base of the statue, on the front, are the words: ”To the heroes of 1918, natives of Härmä”. Below it is a fragment of ”The soldier boy” verse from the poem ”The tales of Ensign Stål”, written by national poet of Finland Johan Ludvig Runeberg:

”So ’twas with them, and so they all bled;
but how glorious in their life they lived, and in their death how great!”

On the other sides of the pedestal are engraved the names of 29 heroes from Alahärmä, who fell in the Germany, in the Finnish Independence War, in the Estonia, as well as in the White Sea Karelia and in the Olonets Karelia.