Search results 5 – 8 of total 35
5. Repola
August 2, 1918. Repola. Participants of convention to join Finland
317.57 Kb, 840×620
6. Repola
August 31, 1918. Repola. Participants of the final convention to join Finland
501.03 Kb, 1315×900
© Walde Sario
The same people
7. Repola
September 1, 1918. Repola. Organizers of final convention to join Finland
Feodor Netsäinen (Russian protocol), Nikolai Kyöttinen (Chairman), Grigiri Grigorjeff (Deputy of Chairmen) and, Paavo Höttönen (Finnish protocol)
631.71 Kb, 866×1200
© Walde Sario
The same people
8. Repola
September 1, 1918. Repola. Barracks building
308.50 Kb, 849×557
© Walde Sario