Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Karelian ASSR
On the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Karelian ASSR

The Supreme Council of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic decrees:

1. To adopt the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Karelian ASSR.

The Declaration comes into effect from the day of its adoption.

2. To assign the permanent Commission on Mandates, on the Issues of Regulations, Deputy Ethics, and Publicity to prepare proposals on the composition of the delegation of the Karelian ASSR for participation in negotiations on the conclusion of the Federal and new Union Treaties and to submit them for approval to the Supreme Council of the Karelian ASSR.

3. To assign the Constitutional Commission to summarize the proposals and comments made during the discussion of the draft Declaration, to submit them for consideration to the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Karelian ASSR, and thereafter to transmit the approved delegation of the Karelian ASSR for negotiations.

Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Karelian ASSR

August 9, 1990

Translated by Margarita Matthew, 2024