To the Working People of Karelia

In the view of intensification of a social emancipation of the Karelian Working People, by the actions of Soviet Russia, from the Karelian areas of the Olonets and Arkhangelsk provinces was formed new regional association – Karelian Labor Commune. For the organizing of the first Congress of Soviets of the Working People of Karelia, the Revolutionary Committee of Karelia was established, with the rights of revolutionary committee, and its members are the undersigned, but it will be expanded in very near future by members from various parts of Karelia.

The Karelian Revolutionary Committee is also entrusted with the duty to take care of all the affairs of Karelia until the beginning of Congress of Soviets of Karelia. The Committee immediately began its work and located in the city of Kem, but it have a plans to visit during the summer all areas of Karelia. The Committee encourages the population of Karelia to trust the Committee and its representatives, as well as to declare to the Committee those urgent needs that require immediate resolve.

Members of the Revolutionary Committee:
Edvard Gylling
Jaakko Mäki
Vasili Kudzhijev

June 1920