Mother-Karelia Monument

Mother-Karelia Monument

The Mother-Karelia Monument is located in the Lappeenranta City, near the Military Memorial Cemetery.

The unveiling ceremony for a monument took place on September 19, 1993.

The monument consists of a four-meter bronze statue created by sculptor Kauko Räsänen and a seventy-meter black granite wall, surrounding it on three sides, engraved with the names and years of life of about 5,500 fallen heroes who were buried in cemeteries in the ceded territory of Karelia or were missing and declared as dead.

Among others, the name of the Juho Honkanen (Honkanen Juho 1909-41) can be read on the monument.

On the wall represents 36 municipalities left in the territory of the ceded Karelia: Antrea, Heinjoki, Hiitola, Jaakkima, Johannes, Jääski, Kanneljärvi, Kaukola, Kirvu, Kivennapa, Koivisto, Kuolemajärvi, Kurkijoki, Käkisalmi, Lavansaari, Lumivaara, Metsäpirtti, Muolaa, Pyhäjärvi, Rautu, Ruskeala, Räisälä, Sakkola, Seiskari, Suursaari, Säkkijärvi, Terijoki, Tytärsaari, Uusikirkko, Vahviala, Valkjärvi, Viipuri, Viipurin agr., Vuoksela, Vuoksenranta and Äyräpää.