The lackey of the English bankers

Soviet propaganda leaflet Soviet propaganda leaflet Soviet propaganda leaflet

The lackey of the English bankers, the hanger of peasants, the murderer of Finnish workers, the executioner Mannerheim.

The lackey of the English bankers, the hanger of peasants, the murderer of Finnish workers, the executioner Mannerheim.

The executioner of the Finnish people

The Finnish White Guards are in panic. The White Guard officers, feeling their end is coming, organize bloody reprisals against workers and peasants. Mass arrests and executions of civilians became the main means of combating the growing discontent of the masses. The leader of the White Finnish terrorist gang is General Mannerheim. Who is he, this executioner of the Finnish people?

Carl Gustav Mannerheim has the official rank of Marshal. The son of a large landowner, Mannerheim faithfully served the tsarist autocracy for thirty years. As a reward for flattery and groveling before the tsar, he got under the command one of the cavalry regiments.

During the war of 1904-1905, he was among the tsarist aristocracy, and during the World War he was idle at headquarters.

Aristocrat, Russian landowner, general of “His Imperial Majesty’s Retinue”, millionaire Mannerheim. After the liquidation of the bourgeois-landlord system in Russia, he immediately joined the Swedish “knightly nobility” as member and got a place in the ranks of spies for the intelligence services of the imperialist powers, primarily the British.

The imperialist owners of Western Europe, intending to suppress the revolution, set Mannerheim the task of organizing the White Guard in Finland. Mannerheim completed this work of strangling the people of Finland.

With wild fanaticism and cruelty, the Mannerheimites rushed in 1918 to suppress the Finnish revolution. The Finnish people were drowned in blood. About 40 thousand workers and peasants then died from the sword of the bourgeoisie. Only in 1918, 15,817 people were shot and 90,000 were thrown into dungeons. Before execution, executioners forced their victims to dig their own graves. Along with those shot, the wounded were also buried alive. The eyes of the condemned were gouged out, the ears were cut off, and the women were raped before being killed. They killed people with grenades and machine gun fire. After the suppression of the revolution by 145 emergency courts, 67,789 people were sentenced to hard labor prisons for a total term of 300,000 years. Hundreds of death sentences were handed down to workers.

After this bloody terror, Mannerheim publicly announced in October 1919 that Finland was ready to march on Petrograd at the first call of the imperialist powers.

He organized many anti-Soviet expeditions, the end of which turned out to be disastrous for the Anglo-French imperialists.

Mannerheim was among those leaders of White-Finland who, with all their policies, showed that they were ready to sell the independence and security of Finland to foreign imperialists. He, along with Cajander, Erkko, Ryti and other crooks, on the orders of London, started a criminal war against the Soviet Union.

The working people of Finland mention the name of the White Guard General Mannerheim with intolerance and disgust.

The so-called Mannerheim Line is crumbling and falling apart, the attacks of the Red Army are splitting up the White-Finland army, the Finnish bourgeoisie is fleeing to Sweden with their capital and wealth.

Soldiers! The moment has come when the executioner of the Finnish people, together with his minions, will be swept away from territory of Finland.

Use this moment, immediately turn your weapon against the robbers and destroy them.

Turn to the side of the Red Army, to the side of the Finnish Democratic Government!