The abstract from the book by academician N.Ozeretskovsky
Travelling by Ladoga and Onego lakes
Part VII

…The noise of water falling from Kivatch, has announced to us its affinity before, rather than we have approached. Here presented visually the stone decent rock across the river lying on which are three ledges, one above another. From the first two ledges water runs down by ruts, which located between the stones, and falls to the third ledge from which in great quantity it is overthrown to the deep which located below the threshold, where water falls and converts to the foam and produces from itself the abundant steam, which having risen upwards, falls on a trees growing near the shore and humidifies its branches to the tops, why in winter they stand to hang round with large icicles. In spring high water falling happens here so strongly that the big logs, which have been fired from a threshold, break up in half or more…