In 23 hours by express train from the capital to Äänislinna

Sleeping car from Sortavala to Äänislinna

According to W. Jansson, Director General of Finnish Railways, a new train between Helsinki and Äänislinna will be put into service. The train will leave Helsinki at 12:25 as an express train to Kouvola, becoming slower from Etu-Simola, but will still arrive Sortavala at 22:29. Here a sleeping car will be attached to the train and the journey will continue at 23:10 towards Äänislinna, arriving there at 11:23.

Return at 19.03, arrive Sortavala at 07:47, departure at 08:40 and arrive Helsinki at 19:04. Thus, the journey will take 23 hours compared with actual 36 hours. The journey after that will be the most comfortable on the eastern line.

According to the information provided by the train patrols, the travel situation is most difficult from Virasoja1 to the Karelia Railway, so hopefully the new Äänislinna train will bring some relief, concluded Director General Jansson.

Laatokka -newspaper No. 45, April 25, 1942

1. Since 1977 – Imatra Goods Station.