Ingrian flag

Ingrian flag

Ingrian flag is the national flag of Ingrian finns.

It is a Nordic cross flag with a yellow background and a red scandinavian cross with an inserted narrow blue cross. The colours of the flag were taken from the historical coat of arms of Ingria.

The author of the flag is captain Eero Ilmari Haapakoski. The flag was designed for volunteer West Ingrian battalion formed at March 26, 1919 in Estonia. In its first attack at May 12, 1919 the battalion was already with its own flag. Later West Ingrian battalion increased to the regiment.

At September 8, 1919 the flag was raised in North Ingria, in Kirjasalo, where based the North Ingrian Regiment under the command of Yrjö Elfvengren.

According the conditions of the Tartu Peace Treaty, the flag of Republic of Kirjasalo was lowered at December 5, 1920. North Ingrian Regiment crossed the Finnish border under the flag, shrouded in mourning veil. The flag returned to Ingria in 1989 only.