Resolution of the VI All-Karelian Congress of Soviets on the report about the results of conscription and military training for civilians

1. Welcome the formation of a special national military unit in the AKSSR.

2. To pay particular attention to the organization of work in the military departments of the volost executive committees.

3. Take the steps to accurately identify persons, who are subject to the next conscription in 1926, their family and property status, also for the purpose of granting benefits.

4. Take the steps to public awareness of the rights to benefits and the procedure for granting benefits.

5. Take the steps to identify persons, who should enlisted to the rear militia.

6. The “Assistance Committees” existing on the territory of the AKSSR should begin work on the formation of real assets and the providing of the necessary funds for the foundation of training points and military corners and its provision by all necessary equipment, creation of shooting galleries, gymnastic and sapper-camouflage training grounds and other installations. Assist the military commissariat in organizing the work between military trainings.

7. To assign to all Soviet organizations and institutions the task of organizing military corners in the village libraries, clubs and in all educational institutions. Extensive assist the military commissariat in organizing the short-term military trainings as well as in military training for civilians.

8. To pay particular attention to the eradication of illiteracy, primarily those who reach the age of conscription or are in reserve (born in 1899-1903).

January 1926