Festival of Tribesmen and Meetings in Uhta on July 12, 13, and 14

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The meeting of representatives from the volosts of White Sea Karelia

took place over three days in the volost administration building on the Zalambinskaya side. On their own initiative, the residents of Uhta raised the Finnish flag on the roof of the building. The representatives were mainly from the southern parts of White Sea Karelia. Overall, the meeting was very lively, and the discussions were conducted in a way one would not expect from a region where independent municipal life is only just beginning. Among the participants were guests from Finland: bank manager M.Honkajuuri, editor Kaarlo Koskimies, doctor Väinö Salminen, writer Ilmari Kianto, judge Viljo Puustinen and master A.O.Väisänen.

Judge Sakari Alanko was elected chairman of the meeting, and teacher Vasily Keynäs was elected secretary.

After the chairman drew the participants' attention to the changing circumstances and the large-scale tasks associated with them, the first item on the agenda was the consideration of school education.

Following lively discussions, it was decided to open schools with instruction in the native language as soon as possible in the following villages: Babya Guba, Vokisalma, Vodosalma, Vongozero, Kondoka, and Kostomuksha in the Kondokskaya Volost; Uhta (2 schools instead of 4 Russian ones), Alozero, Yuvalaksha, Lusalma, and Regozero in the Uhtinskaya Volost; Voknavolok (3 schools instead of 3 Russian ones); Pirttiguba, Ponga Guba, Kamenozero, Sudnozero, Tolloreka, Ladvazero, Chena, and Voynitsa in the Voknavolotskaya Volost.

In addition, it was proposed to immediately organize at least one upper-level folk school in Uhta and Voknavolok, and in other villages, one lower-level folk school. If it is not possible to find enough Orthodox teachers, Lutheran teachers may also be employed. To train their own teachers, it was considered important to open a teacher training seminar in Uhta as early as next autumn. Since there is a severe shortage of teachers, the seminar course can be one year for the time being. It was hoped that Finnish teacher training seminars would provide free places for students from White Sea Karelia.

Regarding the creation of a transport network, it was decided that for the survival of White Sea Karelia, it is necessary to build a road from Raate to Voknavolok as soon as possible. The following road routes were also proposed: Suomussalmi – Voynitsa – Uhta, Lendery – Babya Guba, Uhta – Hirvisalma, Lyamsyankyla (parish of Kuusamo) – Kushevanda. The participants also considered important the construction of a canal between Kuito and Upper Kuito Lakes and the clearing of the Kuusamo – Tikhtozero Lake waterway. Railways were also discussed, with suitable directions proposed.

Regarding the improvement of medical services, it was hoped that White Sea Karelia would soon have at least two doctors, as well as pharmacies, nurses, and midwives; Uhta was designated as the appropriate location for a hospital.

To address the land issue, it was deemed necessary to issue agricultural loans with municipal guarantees. Courses, competitions, and various consulting services for improving agriculture were considered extremely necessary for White Sea Karelia.

To improve postal services, it was decided to request the opening of first-class post offices in Uhta and Voknavolok, and for mail to be delivered from Finland three times a week.

Lively exchanges of opinion took place on the food supply issue. According to reports, grain stocks were sufficient almost everywhere until the new harvest. To regulate food rationing, a unified food commission for the white volosts of White Sea Karelia was formed, with members elected at the meeting and given broad powers.

As the church situation had reached an impasse after many priests left their parishes, it was decided as a first step to invite three Orthodox priests from Finland.

Given the exceptional circumstances in the administrative and judicial areas, it was decided to adopt Finnish laws; a special department for civil and judicial administration was to be created under the headquarters of the White Sea Karelian Expedition.

Fire insurance: Since all previous insurance companies were no longer operating in White Sea Karelia, it was decided to create an inter-volost fire insurance company. The implementation of appropriate measures was entrusted to a specially created commission.

In case of forest fires, it was decided that everyone should hurry to fight the fire to preserve the national heritage of White Sea Karelia.

White Sea Karelians living in Finland: Since many Finnish Lensmanns apply the decree on the deportation of Russian subjects to White Sea Karelians, it was decided to address this issue with the Finnish government.

The need to establish a savings bank and the possibility of releasing White Sea Karelians who were prisoners of war in the Central Powers were also discussed.

In conclusion, a delegation of two people was selected to present the above-mentioned issues to the Finnish government.

There was an enthusiastic mood and consensus throughout the meeting.

Karjalaisten Sanomat -newspaper, no. 13-18, 1918

Translated by Margarita Matthew, 2024