Ingrian Finns!

Finnish propaganda leaflet Finnish propaganda leaflet
Finnish propaganda leaflet Finnish propaganda leaflet

For more than two decades, the Red monsters have been tormenting the Ingrian Finns people.

They have plundered your homes, broken up your families, mocked and desecrated your religion, turned your churches into dance halls and places of profanation for the wicked.

They condemned your relatives, neighbours and friends to die in prisons and forced labour camps to die for no other reason than that the people of Ingria have not bowed to serve those devilish hirelings, but have steadfastly held fast to the God of the ages, to the faith of their ancestors, to justice and truth.

Those of you who are still allowed to stay in your native places have been made collective farms’ slaves of the Red tyranny, whose lives are more miserable than even in the times of serfdom, from which your grandfathers and grandmothers were freed less than 80 years ago.

You cannot sleep at night in peace, but every moment brings a lump to your throat, waiting for your turn to be the target of the red bayonets.

Ingrian Finns!

The moment of your liberation is approaching.

The Soviet Union has attacked Finland in order to carry out a similar destructive work among the Finnish people as well. But it did not realise how powerful little Finland is, nor did it know how bad its own Red Army is.

Now it has been seen that Finnish arms cut down the attacking Ruskies like grass in a hayfield. Now we see how Bolshevik power is already faltering and its end is near. Its rage is a hopeless agony.

Brothers and sisters!

Let's join our forces to put a swift end to the Red executioners.

We are beating them at the front, you are beating them at the rear.

Kill commissars, cut the telephone and telegraph wires, destroy bridges, burn the military stores.

Every damage done to the enemy brings our common victory closer.

For surely there is now a a life-and-death struggle.

Victory will be ours and Ingria will be free from the brigand power of the Bolsheviks.