Address by Brigadier-General George Dominic Price to assembly of Karelian representatives

February 17th, 1919
HQ of Karelian Regiment


His Excellency General Price, Commander of 237th Allied Brigade, has ordered me to read to you the following telegram that has been received from the Chief Commander of the Allied Forces in Murmansk.


The Allied Command does not support any proposals for separation from Russia.

The dependence of the Karelians on Russia is absolutely essential in the interests of both.

The Allied Command will concern itself with the welfare of the Karelians, as it has previously done, but only if they acknowledge that they are part of Russia.

His Excellency General Price has also ordered me to make the following announcement:

I am sure that the representatives of Karelia will agree with me that as yet the time has not yet arrived to speak of independence. The objective which brought the Allies here, and in pursuit of which the Karelians have lent such strong and loyal assistance, is the eradication and annihilation of the Bolsheviks. You all know what Bolshevism is – it is the destruction and theft of all possessions; your money will be taken away, not one home will be safe; and even your wives and daughters will be forced under a recent decree to become the common property of everyone. Therefore until the Bolsheviks and their sympathizers are destroyed there cannot be order, peace or security for any people among whom they live. You will be told that Bolshevism exists in England, France, Italy, and America. It is a lie. It is true that there are Bolsheviks in Germany who want to bring the anarchy and devastation that exists in Russia to their own country, but the German people know what Bolshevism is, especially those who work on the land and want peace and tranquillity, and so are now fighting against Bolshevism and have almost defeated it there. That is why it is the duty of all the Allies – English, French, Italians, Russians and Karelians, to battle this evil here in Russia as well, following the example of our former enemies, until Russia is cleansed and freed and can rebuild its great state that is now helpless because of the criminal undertakings of the Bolsheviks.

Only once this is accomplished will the time be right to convene a great assembly of the representatives of all the peoples who are under Russia's power and those peoples who have helped Russia in its time of unhappiness will be able to present their requests for local self-administration elected by themselves. By this I mean that the population of this region will take charge of its own internal affairs – while such matters as post and railways should remain under the jurisdiction of the central authorities.

At the same time, the Allied Command will continue in future, as it has in the past, to look after the welfare of Karelia. As soon as the region is sufficiently pacified and freed from Bolshevik influence, we shall direct all our energies to providing food, clothing and agricultural tools, and everything necessary for the Karelians to be able to develop their region and its productive forces, and in this way secure a hitherto unknown prosperity.

The government of the New Russia will be a power elected by all the peoples which together form its wide empire. Therefore it is the duty of all Karelians to direct their energies towards pleasing this Russian government which will, of course, include their own representatives, and to which authority they will submit their petition on local self-administration.

I therefore ask you, the representatives of Karelia, to return home and explain to your compatriots that the peace, prosperity, and happiness of Karelia are only possible through close union with the fractured and devastated Russia of our times, and through the restoration of a great, unified and free Russia in the future. The dawn of this rebirth is already approaching…