Finnish soldiers!

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Finnish soldiers!

Field Marshal Mannerheim rattles his sword again, wanting to throw you and your comrades into mortal fight.

Soldier! Do you know what kind of man Mannerheim is, who is sending you to your death? He is a lackey and spy who sold himself many times.

It is widely known that Mannerheim was a general in the tsar’s army. He was a zealous lackey of Nicholas II, the bloody oppressor of Finland. In 1906-08 he was a Russian government’s a secret agent in China. Even then he sold himself and was an obedient lackey and spy of his master.

It is widely known that after shedding the blood of the best sons of Finland in 1918, Mannerheim transferred to the service of a new master. Then he sold himself to the German Emperor Wilhelm II and began a lackey service for him. His gang was preparing the throne of Finland for Wilhelm’s son-in-law, but the German revolution of 1918 made these preparations to naught.

Mannerheim is still in lackey services. He is again in German service. Now he is Hitler's governor and lackey in Finland. Shamelessly and unabashedly he spills the blood of thousands of Finnish soldiers and condemns their families to death.

Finland's worst enemy, Hitler, who plunged it into a hopeless war, who took away its wealth, who made it a base for German highwaymen, highly values the lackey services of Mannerheim, Ryti and the other rulers of Finland. He presented Mannerheim with the Iron Cross and Ryti with the Golden Cross.

Hitler needs soldiers. Mannerheim gets him cannon fodder. He throws you and your comrades into the furnace of war to die.

Hitler needs Finland's wealth. Mannerheim and Ryti handed him the keys to this wealth. Now the brazen German bandits are rummaging through the houses of Finnish soldiers, abusing their families and emptying the entire country.

Soldier! How many of your comrades died because of the accursed cause of Hitler and Mannerheim. And how many more, – among them perhaps you too, – will die.

At the front-line, the number of mass graves with simple wooden crosses is increasing. The number of grave crosses in the hungry home front of Finland is increasing. At the same time is increasing the number of crosses on the chests of Hitler’s lackeys Mannerheim and Ryti, who sold you to the Germans, who are driving you to be killed.

Finnish soldier! Don't you understand that this cannot go on any longer? It is senseless to sacrifice your life for the sake of the bandit Mannerheim. Don't you understand that with Mannerheim you will catch your death!

When you surrender to the Red Army, you will stay alive!


Every Finnish soldier has the right to cross the front-line as a prisoner of the Russians with this permit. Every Red Army soldier and Soviet citizen is obliged to accompany him to the nearest Red Army Headquarters.

The command of the Red Army guarantees the prisoner's life, good treatment and return to his homeland after the end of the war.

When surrendering, put both hands up, no one will shoot you.