The Gracious Manifesto of the Emperor Majesty
On the opening of an extraordinary Diet in Helsingfors

We Nicholas the Second, by God’s grace Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russians, Tsar of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland, etc, etc, etc.

In virtue of the law of the diet of April 3/15, 1869., command the opening at Helsingfors December 7/20, 1905 of an extraordinary diet to consider the following questions:

1. The proposals for the budget of 1906-1907 provisional taxes and a loan for railway construction.

2. A bill providing by a new fundamental law a parliament for Finland on the basis of universal suffrage with the establishment of the responsibility of the local authorities to the nation’s deputies.

3. Bills granting liberty of the press, of meeting and of unions.

We expect from all an exact execution of our will.

Signed originally by His Emperor Majesty in hand:

Minister–Secretary of State for Finland:

Peterhof, October 22/November 4, 1905.