The resolution of the C.P.S.U.(B.) central committee
and the USSR Peoples Commissars Soviet
about the establishing of the frontier guard
on the new state border with Finland

March 16th 1940

1. To oblige the NKVD of the USSR to establish the frontier guard on the new state border between the USSR and Finland.

The frontier guard should be established in the period from March 23rd till April 7th 1940.

2. To accept the proposal of the NKVD of the USSR, that the old border should temporaily stay under the supervision of the frontier forces and about the organization of such supervision.

3. To allow the NKVD of the USSR to form two 2-battalion operational regiments with the disposition: the first – in Viborg, the second – in Serdobol with one battalion located in Kexholm.

4. The formation of the frontier-guards detachments for the guarding the border with Finland and operational regiments and detachments, supervising the old border shall be done within the strength of the NKVD troops in the front-line forces and all the NKVD forces, standing on the old border.

5. To propose to the Peoples Commissariat of Defense to withdraw the NKVD frontier guards and operational forces from the operational subordination to the Military Councils.

6. To oblige the Peoples Commissariat of Defense to detach to NKVD supervision for 2 months 5 field-engineers battalions and 2 communication battalions with the necessary impedimenta and instruments for the fulfillment of the construction works.

Above that, to allot the necessary construction materials and communication munitions according the NKVD demands.

7. To increase the plan of the building works for NKVD military construction for 1940 on 20 000 000 Roubles.

State Planning Committee, Peoples Commissariat of Communications and Peoples Commissariat of electric Industries should foresee the allotment of additional funds for materials and equipment in their quarterly plans.