Notice to Karelian Refugees

Notification from the Plenipotentiary Representation of the USSR in Finland

1. In accordance with the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the amnesty of April 30, 1923, also extends to those Karelian refugees who left the territory of the RSFSR both during the settlement of the White Finnish attack on Olonets and during the Miller intervention in the northern part of Karelia.

2. For those wishing to take advantage of this amnesty, the deadline for submitting applications is set for May 1, 1924.

3. All Karelian refugees returning under the amnesty have the right to import into the territory of the Autonomous Karelian Socialist Soviet Republic, without customs duties, for each person returning from Finland simultaneously with them and for a member of their family residing in the AKSSR, the following quantities of the following goods:

1. 10 kg of coffee
2. 2 1/2 kg of tea
3. 30 kg of sugar
4. 6 kg of various types of tobacco
5. 6 kg of leather
6. 2 pairs of new shoes
7. 80 packs of matches
8. 6 kg of soap
9. 24 spools of thread
10. 35 m of cotton fabric
11. 15 m of suit fabric
12. 6 pairs of socks

Other items not listed above are accounted for without quantity restrictions and are also subject to duty-free import.

Address: Plenipotentiary Representation of the USSR in Finland. Helsinki, Bulevardinkatu


Translated by Margarita Matthew, 2024