To all Karelian Working People who fled with the bandits to Finland

Now, when the White Finnish bandits are defeated and fled to Finland, from where they came, their deception should be obvious to everyone. Every working peasant understands that the bandits brought him nothing but complete devastation.

At first, your farms were ravaged and looted, and you yourselves left your native Karelia. You abandoned your villages where you, your fathers, and your grandfathers lived. Your property was left to the mercy of fate; only a little you could take with you. In a matter of days, you became beggars.

Think about why and for what reason exactly this happened.

To top it all off, the bandits deceived you. They told you all sorts of terrible things about the Red Army. And you believed the bandits and went with them to Finland.

Complete devastation and heavy suffering followed as punishment for trusting the bandits.

Now, after the onset of your misfortunes, after devastation and immense suffering, you, in a foreign country, in White Finland, finally begin to understand the monstrous deception you've subjected yourself to.

Your white friends are deceiving you now, as they always have. Just as they deceived you when they spoke of atrocities supposedly committed by the Red Army against the civilian population, they deceive you now, making you believe that punishment awaits you in Karelia if you return to your native villages.

Every time they make you believe such things; they are outright lying. They lie to keep you as cheap, powerless labor for the capitalists and factory owners.

Know that in Karelia, you will face no punishment if you return to your native villages. Not a hair will fall from your head here. No one will punish you for your mistakes.

Return to your villages confidently and without fear. Help and comprehensive support from the Soviet authorities and the Red Army await you here in rebuilding your farms.

Return to Karelia and start putting your farms back on feet. The Red Army and Soviet power will assist you in this difficult work of yours.

Know that the Commander of the Karelian Region troops, in his order No. 254 of February 23, not only prohibited any persecution and insults against you, but also obliged to assist you in restoring your destroyed farms.

The Karelian Workers' Commune is part of Soviet Russia, which fraternally helps heal the bloody wounds inflicted by the White Finns.

Therefore, return to your native homes calmly, without fear.

Karelian peasants, those of you who did not go to Finland, who feel the attitude of the Red Army towards them, the care and participation of Soviet power in the renewal of their farms, urge your brothers and neighbors to return from Finland.

Inform them that they can safely return to their villages.

Back home, deceived Karelian comrades, Karelians!

To work and action!

Long live the peaceful labor of the Karelian peasant in his native village!

Political Department of the Karelian Region


Translated by Margarita Matthew, 2024