To the People of Eastern Karelia

Karelians! You have grown up in inseparable connection with this land where your ancestors lived for centuries, with your ancient homeland.

Throughout turbulent times, you have possessed and cultivated the land of Eastern Karelia. However, now in Eastern Karelia, there is no independent, land-owning peasant population. The Bolshevik rulers, with their collective farms and communes, have destroyed the right of private property that the peasants of Eastern Karelia had held over their farms since ancient times. The collective farm is nothing more than a place of forced labor: there are no free peasants, only those who are subordinate to foreigners. Now Eastern Karelia is being liberated from Soviet oppression. This also means that in Eastern Karelia, a free agricultural population, fully owning their farms, will arise. But first, collective farms must be abolished, and the land issue must be resolved anew. Solving the land issue will take time, even if it progresses quickly. Nevertheless, the abolition of collective farms is possible by the spring of next year.

Should the Finnish peasant, living independently on his own land, see his brother, a descendant of free Karelians, living in collective farm slavery? No! When Eastern Karelia gains freedom, the Karelian peasant gains freedom. This is the message of the Finnish National Army to the peasants of Eastern Karelia.

By next summer, the peasant of Eastern Karelia will be able to cultivate his own land from the fields of former collective farms. The harvest will belong to him, and he will have all the rights of a free farmer. When the land issue is fully resolved, the boundaries of his plot will be determined, as well as his rights to the forest belonging to him. Everyone should await this moment with calmness and confidence.

People of Eastern Karelia! The chains have fallen, the night is replaced by a bright day. The free farmer of Finland extends a brotherly hand to the liberated farmer of Eastern Karelia.

Headquarters, August 16, 1941.

On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief of the Finnish Army:
Lieutenant Colonel
Commander of the Military Administration of Eastern Karelia

Translated by Margarita Matthew, 2024