From the book
"Olonets District"

2. About Korelian people

The Korels, heterogeneous of the Finnish tribe, live on a comparatively vast territory, which streches from the Finnish border to lake Onego and from Lake Ladoga almost to the Arctic Ocean. They are natives of this region: but in the 13th century this region was invaded by the Slavs from Novgorod, first there were just small attacks at the Korelian settlements and then they settled in Korelia forever and since that time the Finnish and Slav tribes have mingled greatly. The Finnish type of the Korels has got more round faces, they are more active; angularity has become a feature of the Slav type, their cheek-bones have become more prominent. The Russians pushed the Korels aside from Lake Onego and inhabited its shores: along the western shore and along the Svir, one may still come across villages inhabited by pure-blooded the Russians. However, 50-100 versts away from the shores their ethnograthical integrity isn't so obvious and one may meet many Finns. The Russian language spread at this shore of Lake Onego has also changed, and though there are still many ancient Russian phrases and words, the pronunciation has changed a lot due to the influence of the Korelian speech, and the Russians still speak Korelian very well.

An unexperienced person can hardle distinguish a Korel from a Russian: both have fair hair, light-blue or grey eyes, the same ancient-Russian type; and if you look at a Korel more attentively, you'll find in them some peculiar features of the Finnish tribes. Their complexion is pink, almost crimson (this is the feature that helps the Korels to recognize each other), their face is with prominent cheek-bones, their moustache is lighter than their beard (especially its ends and the roots of the beard); angular long body, comparatively short legs, rather long arms. The Korels are medium height, stocky, very good-looking. There are no bad-looking Korels, I've never seen them, their children are even beautiful. The character of the korels is quiet, mild; the Korels like silence, quietness, that's why it's so silent in Korelian villages. At the same time they are reserved, aren't communicative, and not trustful. The Korels live simple lives, their morals are not spoilt by the city culture that had a great influence on Russian people. The Korels are very honest, they never lie, betray, steal. … Moreover, they are not greedy while their neighbours are. They may invite a traveler to their house, to provide them with food and bed and won't take any money for it. And if they take, they take any money they are given without asking more. Like any farmer who knows nothing about money orepations, a Korel doesn't know the value of money and they can give the fruits of the work for mothing. The trade sharks make use of their honesty and very often Korels who may have a good life at home, have to become entirely dependent on somebody. They have to go to work to float limber, to burn out charcoal, or to do any other hard, poorly paid work.

Part 3

Translated by Maria, 2006