Free vacancies

We hereby announce the opening of vacancies in Olonets Karelia of for two Justices of the Peace, whose duties are currently combined with the duties of Military Judges, two Bailiffs, several Lensmans and two Chiefs of Police, as well as the Chief of Chancery of Olonets Temporary Organizational Council and certain Chancery Clerks. With the exception of the aforementioned judicial vacancies, the same qualifications as in Finland are not necessarily required, but at least partial Russian language skills are required, and an acceptable surety must be provided by those who will be managing public funds. Letters of application, which must state your own salary proposal and also mention some public authorities that can provide personal information about the applicants if necessary, should be sent as soon as possible and no later than within 10 days to Dr. G.J.Winter, Representative of Organizational Council in Helsinki, at Vladimirinkatu 11 A 4.

Olonets City
May 3, 1919

Department of Internal Affairs of the Olonets Temporary Organizational Council

Viljo Puustinen

Uusi Suomi -newspaper, No. 108
May 13, 1919