
The original Confidential Protocol attached to the Treaty of Mutual Assistance and Friendship between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Finnish Democratic Republic

Confidential Protocol

  1. It is agreed that the USSR has the right to have a maximum of fifteen thousand ground and aerial forces in the territory leased from Finland in Hanko Peninsula and its nearby islands.
  2. A Mixed Commission will be formed on a parity basis to monitor the implementation of this agreement and to resolve emerging issues; it itself develops the rules for its own office work.

    If the members of the Commission could not reach a consensus on any question arising in connection with the implementation of this agreement, then the question that was not agreed will be resolved the usual diplomatic way. If an agreement is not reached through this way, the disagreement will be resolved through direct negotiations between the Governments of both countries.
  3. This Confidential Protocol is an annex to the Treaty of Mutual Assistance and Friendship between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Finnish Democratic Republic, concluded on December 2, 1939.

December 2, 1939
