Convention on the Åland Islands

In the Name of Almighty God.

Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, His Majesty the King of the French and His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, in order to obtain in the Baltic Sea the accord so happily re-established between them in the Orient and to consolidate also there the benefits of general peace, have decided to conclude a Convention, and have for this purpose named:

Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland:
the Right Honourable George William Fredrick Clarendon, Baron Hyde of Hindon, Peer of the United Kingdom, et cetera, et cetera
and the Right Honourable Henri Richard Charles Baron Cowley, Peer of the United Kingdom, et cetera et cetera,

His Majesty the Emperor of the French:
Count Alexandre Colonna-Walewski, Senator of the Empire, et cetera et cetera
and Baron François Adolphe de Bourqueney, Great Cross of the Imperial Order of the Legion of Honour, et cetera et cetera,

and His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias:
Count Alexis Orloff, His General Aide-de -camp et cetera et cetera
and Baron Philippe Brunnow, His Privy Counsellor, et cetera et cetera;

Who, having first exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:

Article 1.

His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, in order to respond to the wishes expressed by Their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Emperor of the French, declares that the Åland Islands shall not be fortified, and that no military or naval establishments whatsoever shall be maintained or created there.

Article 2.

The present Convention, annexed to the general treaty signed in Paris at the same time, shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged within the time of four weeks, or earlier, whichever possible.

In faith whereof, the plenipotentiaries have signed this Convention and have annexed their seals thereto.

Done in Paris, on the thirtieth day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six.
