The abstract from the book by academician N.Ozeretskovsky
Travelling by Ladoga and Onego lakes
Part V

Varashev Stone

Some six furlongs from Tuloma river the Minola river enters the salma, near the mouth of which there is a village of the same name. There are some two furlongs from it to Peremya Strait and here the salma – a wide bay separated from the main water basin by the chain of islands – ends. This salma is also reputed as a very good place for fishing.

The simple draft of these islands was given to me by Counts's Orlovs mills supervisor Makovkin, and that was the first time a saw so exact card of these islands and straits.

The peasant of Impilahti and Salmi townships uses to set short hollow wooden logs on the high trees. These logs are used for breeding by two breeds of ducks, called here tsherned and gogol (Anas Fuligula et Anas Clangula). The inhabitants use the laid eggs for food. But if they put some eggs under domestic ducks, tsherned and gogol could soon be domesticated too.

Some league from the mentioned Peremya Strait there is Karakulitsy village. Three leagues from it in the lake not far from the shore there is a very big stone called here Varashev Stone and the water just toucheth it's foot. It is about 11 feet high, 20 feet long and 13 feet wide, looks like a tremendous brick and made of the red granite. This stone is without any hesitation made by human hands, as it is alone here and for a long way there is no any rocks and also, there are letters cut on it's upper surface, stating the year and they are presented here.

They say that this stone was a long time ago a border stone between Sweden and Russia, but why it is called Varashev Stone nobody could tell. Now it serveth as a border stone between Serdobol and Olonets districts.

From the said Peremya Strait the shore is low and is cowered with the grass Drosera rotundifolia (Angustifolia) that is called by local inhabitants Sungrass or Tsar's Eyes. And I quite often found the flowers with six pistils instead of usual five and often their ends were divided on to, making a kind of fork.

Opposite the Varashev Stone a small cape, covered with forest, enters the lake. Several fishermen huts are built on it. They are used by inhabitants of Kondushi village, that is about two miles from the shore and one has to go through thick forest to get to it. From this cape the shore is no more stone-covered – it is now covered with the yellow sands that go on over Olonka River mouth.