Terrible fate of Pekka Davidov

Oath of Allegiance of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army

In early June 1919, shortly before that the Second Regiment of the Olonets Volunteer Army under the command of Jäger Major Paavo Talvela captured Polovina Village, two patrolmen were sent there to investigate. One of them, twenty-year-old Karelian Pekka Davydov, from Nyalmozero Village of the Veshkelitsa Parish of the Syamozero volost, fell into the hands of the Reds.

Polovina Village was defended by the First Battalion of the 164th Finnish Infantry Regiment, led by Red Commander Viking Sevelius. On June 13, the Whites attacked the village and after a heavy battle forced the Reds to withdraw across the Vilga River in the direction of Petrozavodsk.

The mutilated remains of Pekka Davydov were found and it immediately became clear that an act of cannibalism had been committed. As additional evidences were the stories of the villagers and the testimony of one of the Red prisoner of war. In addition, although the wounded and captured Viking Sevelius was immediately shot, in his pocket was found a letter related to cannibalism. Two photos were taken of victim's body by two photographers and one of them was a Danish journalist.

Did itself Viking Sevelius torture Pekka Davydov? Did he made the order to do this? Did he taste the "butcher’s* meat"? All this remains unproven. But all of the above was committed by the Finnish Red Guards who were under his command, and therefore he is unequivocally fully responsible for this act of cannibalism. And in any case, Red Commander Viking Sevelius remains in Finnish oral lore as a cannibal who devouring his victims alive.

Terrible events was also reflected in autobiographical short story of Uuno Kailas "Bruno is Dead".

At July 1919, Viking Sevelius and some of the Finnish Red Guards from his Battalion were reburied in the center of Petrozavodsk, in so-called Common Grave of Communists.

* A derogatory name for a Finnish White Guard